Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 22

Not much to report, other than that I'm starting to use parts of the kitchen, even if she isn't all done yet.
• After weeks of washing the dishes in the laundry tub, I've tried the new sink. Glad to be back to a double sink, but the sides seem smaller than I remember the old sink being. Maybe it's just the contrast from the laundry tub.
• I've used the new oven twice now. 3 racks instead of 2. Can't imagine what I'll need 3 racks for, but there you are.
• The cooktop. Bone of contention. I like electric coils - no hassle, no fuss. They don't care whether the pot you put on them is enamel-based, copper-based, or plain old aluminum. The new ceramic cooktop does, apparently. So much for my favourite element-to-oven enamel stewing pot. What about the glass pots I found lurking in the basement? I used to love those. Remember that brand - Visions by Corning? After having read the instructions (use this; don't use that), I think I now understand what happened to the cooktop in Sweden. When I thought the base of my (enamel-based) pot had melted into the cooktop, well, it had. That's why when I yanked it off, a chunk of the glass cooktop came too, just like rock candy. According to the instruction manual, "enamel-based pots can meld into the cooktop at very high heat, causing damage". Unfortunately, after having cooked out at the outdoor kitchen (aka bbq) on the gas element, I now prefer gas. Oops too late. Of course, my fear of extending the gas line through the house causing the entire house to blow up knocked out any possibility of a gas stove instead of an electric. It's probably more prudent to be able to sleep at night because there isn't an extension of the gas line through the house, and just be extra fussy about pots.
With all this wait-time, I should have planned out exactly what will go where when we reload the kitchen, but I haven't. There's no rule that says you can only arrange a kitchen once. I'd just rather not have to do it again because cupboards and drawers were not allocated wisely the first time.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Rumour has it the panels for appliances are in, and there seem to be only finishing touches left after that.

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