Friday, September 10, 2010

Lost in Translation

So, I met up with Andrew and friends after school yesterday.
Grilled them about what they were doing and how they were getting home.
They were going to Nordstan, the mall at the bottom of the Avenue. Fine.
André (from Portugal) was going to take the tram from Central Station at 6 to get home. Fine.
Santiago (from Mexico) was going to meet his mother at the library at 6 to get home.
The library on the Avenue, I ask. Yes, he says.
Fine - Andrew can meet me there too. And we all go our respective ways....

About 5:45, Elizabeth and I walk over to the library.
6:00 - no Andrew. Fine. Probably didn't leave until 6.
And we wait. And busses come and go.
And yesterday's winner of the Fashion Faux Pas goes by:
man in bike shorts and a leopard print rain jacket. Not kidding!
And we wait.
Then Andrew walks up the stairs from the street, not the bus stop.

At 6, when the boys were leaving, Santiago goes into the book store.
Andrew says, where are you going? I'm going to meet my mom.
He was meeting her at the librairie = book store not library = bibliotheque.
I didn't know Spanish (Mexican?) differentiated the way French does.
This also explains why my internet was cut.
I called it internet instead of broadband.
Lesson: In the world of the United Nations where we now live,
make sure you're using the local lingo.

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