Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sweden - Chapter 3

Another lovely summer day here on the balcony. It is now late afternoon, after 5. Saturdays here in Göteborg don’t have the hustle and rush they do at home. Stores close at 3 or 4pm. Sunday opening is only from noon to 2 or 3. Lots of pedestrian traffic, and of course, the cafés are busy. They’re always busy.

I know I said I’d tell the story of the movers and describe the flat today, but I’ve just figured out the laundry so I thought I’d talk about that instead.

It’s a front load washer for starters. I’m not used to that. The controls are all in Swedish, which I guess is a given. There is only an instruction book for the dryer. Hello Swedish / English dictionary! Fortunately, Peter has washed socks and undies before so he has a better idea than I do what to buttons to push. Start with something you can’t ‘hurt’ and see how that goes... Salem is fascinated by watching the water and clothes swoosh around. He can’t decide what to make of it. It’s kinda quiet so it isn't that scary. It moves so it’s interesting.

The dryer isn’t vented to the outside the way mine is at home. Instead there is a vatterbehälleren, a compartment that collects the moisture from the clothes, a condenser I suppose, that you empty för att garantera god funktion (best results) when drying.

Fingers crossed...

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