Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fort Zachary Taylor State Park

We found the best beach today - at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. The fort itself dates from the 1850s, and the army actually buried it when they were done with it after WWII. Although it was never fired upon, it was very well armed. During WWII, it was used for target practice, as the air force practised bombing by dropping bags of flour on it.

Elsewhere on the property is a lovely beach and campground. There are trees for shade, and a cafe if you want snacks. You can even come and do yoga in the morning. The cruise ship lane is immediately off shore. I looked up from my book and was VERY SURPRISED to see that large a ship so close to shore!

We've had a lovely time in Key West. Apart from this beach, I love the houses. Ships carpenters built them with mortice joints, not nails, so the original houses give a little in hurricane winds the way ships do. The chickens and roosters everywhere add to the lazy Caribbean feel. Our favourite restaurants were Sarabeths, Kelly's, Blue Heaven, and Only Wood. P's favourite part of town is the Truman Annex. I like that part of town too, but I think I prefer Caroline street. 

Tomorrow, we head back to the mainland to drive up to Miami for about 36 hrs. Hopefully Obama is back in Washington so the traffic will move at the speed limit. I'm also hoping the rain ends overnight so we can drive with the top down.

We saw 2 minivans from Ontario today. We'd like to come back, although I don't think I have the wherewithall to drive all 28hrs to get here. Flying is much simpler.

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