Saturday, March 8, 2014

Déja vu all over again?

This time last year, E was in Ghana, and A,P, and I were en route to France. Our plan was to spend March Break touring the WWi and WWII sites in Normandy. There was a freak blizzard that paralyzed northern France. The main highway north from Paris to the Belgian border was clogged with cars and transport trucks for 4 days. Many people were stranded in their cars for more than 72 hours. We weathered the storm in Cruelly, where we were snowed in for 3 days. Other than watching the weather forecasts, the only other notable thing on tv was the colour of the smoke at the Vatican as they selected a new pope.

This year, E is at school in BC, A has gone to Ecuador, and P&I are supposed to be en route to Florida. I say supposed to be because when we arrived to check in, we were told that our seats had been given away. (!!!) I get very upset when someone changes my schedule without telling me first. Is this to be this year's March Break blizzard? I would really rather not spend the entire day sitting around Toronto Pearson, waiting for Air Canada to figure out that all paying ticket holders are, in fact, created equal, even on March Break, and wondering if I'll ever find my suitcase again (did it go on without us? Is it lost in Pearson purgatory?) 

Only time will tell. Shortly, we will head to the gate and see what the pretending-to-be-able-to-do-something-but-actually-not-able desk attendant will have to say. One thing I have learned through all of our travelling, is that crossing fingers is useless. The airplanes will continue to go, whether or not you're on board.

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