Sunday, July 6, 2014

Thunder in Thunder Bay

We started this morning at kilometre marker 1000. Given that we started yesterday in the high 1600s, that's kinda cool. Shortly after leaving Wawa, we saw a moose mother and baby having breakfast. Animal sightings continued with a turkey vulture, a rabbit, a deer at the Terry Fox memorial, and something black and dog-like that was either a coyote or a young wolf because it didn't make sense that it was a dog.

Not a great drive today. 5 hours from Wawa to Thunder Bay, and at least 3 hours of that was spent either in pea soup fog or inside a cloud - we haven't figured out which. The staff at the Tim Hortons in Nipigon said it was fog off Lake Superior. Needless to say, there weren't any pretty views to be seen. The Terry Fox memorial is still poignant, but it would have been nice to gaze out over the Lake from high up.

Top of the list of things to do once we got to Thunder Bay was touring Fort William. Today was a First Nations festival, Ashinawbe Keeshigun. Not only was admission free, but there were Native dancers, extra exhibits, and they fed us! We had smoked whitefish and wild rice at the wigwams outside the fort walls. We had freshly baked bread and strawberry juice in the kitchen. We had a great time wandering through the buildings and looking at the special exhibits and displays.

They'd been forecasting rain all day, and it arrived JUST as we got to the car. As we drove to Kakabeka Falls (the Niagara Falls of the North), the rain got harder. The thunder got louder. The fork lightning got brighter. By the time we got there, it was raining so hard, we didn't want to get out of the car. But get out we did, and it was wet! But the Falls were beautiful, and a few minutes later, the sun was out again.

Fingers crossed for a drier, clearer day tomorrow.

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