Friday, August 13, 2010

Sweden - Chapter 2

OK, it's official - I have seen everything. The blogsite headers are all in swedish. Better than that - everybody rides bikes here. and I mean EVERYBODY. An older lady just rode past all dressed up. Silk dress, matching jacket, 4 INCH HEELS, and (ready?) talking on her cell phone.
So here we are at Friday, day 4 (?) of living here. When last I left you, we hadn't boarded the plane and I was off to browse the duty free. Didn't make it. Called to board just as I hit the threshold of the shop. Flight was uneventful. Which is good. Arrived in Malmö on time, which is also good. Guy who cleared Salem's paperwork only gave it a mild one-over. Then we had to find the train. Reading signs in Danish.
Peter had checked out the train station in advance so he was pretty sure we were on the right track (literally - track 1) I'm trying to interpret signage and schedules using what little German I have. Salem has decided not to meow, which was helpful. We got all our stuff onto the train, found seats, thought we were all set, then the ticket chick tells us we're in a 1st class cabin (if you've never travelled European trains, 1st doesn't actually mean much) and we'll have to move or pay a surcharge. I voted for the surcharge to avoid moving. Arrived in Malmö to find the rental car. I managed to drop Salem. Well, to be fair, I stopped to take a picture, and he must have wiggled because his carry case fell off the top of my carry-on. He's robust - he turned out to be fine.
I have a theory about drunk driving. Exhausted wrong-time-zone travellers are a bigger threat. Peter didn't sleep on the plane. The car was a standard, which I don't do, so he was going to have to get us all the way to Göteborg which was 2 + hours away. It was also a smaller car than we had booked, so squooshing everything into it was more challenging. But we made it and set off into the countryside.
There are windmills everywhere. Huge windmills. They're in the shallows on the coast and in farmer's fields right beside the highway. Good road - dry conditions - sunny and warm out. Salem decided it was time to start talking, and to be fair, he'd already been in his box for a good 13 hours. Peter was ok until about 1 hour out of Gborg. I suggested we stop to give him a chance to jump around. He decided to supplement the jumping with some sugar and we made it safely to our street.
Our flat is GORGEOUS! It's like living in a palace, and I will tell you all about it in Chapter 3.


  1. I love your blog. And I love you. :)

  2. Such an adventure...envious, yes I am! Enjoy the ride...can't wait to hear more about it. Be safe and truly put your boots on and get on your bike...Sweden hasn't fully met you yet until they see those boots!!!!!!!!
