Monday, May 9, 2011

the Home stretch

For those of you still out of the loop, here's the lowdown: our time in Sweden is almost up. Short version of a long story, Peter was transferred to Moscow and he's been there since January. He comes back here if we have a trip planned, or for the occasional weekend, but that's about all. Our belief was, and still is, that we will be relocating to Moscow to join him. We're excited by that prospect, but it isn't a done deal yet. We're still waiting to hear from the schools. If there is a place for A, we go. If there isn't, we pull the plug on Europe and move back to Canada.

All of a sudden, it feels like life is a rush. Is it always that way at the end of something - trying to squeeze the 'last' whatever into the time you have? This weekend, we're off to Legoland Denmark. It's A's birthday present, a holdover from January. We're taking the ferry to Frederikhavn, then driving down from the top of Denmark, but doing the long road trip via Köpnhamn and the bridge on the way back. Current expectation is that we're off to Moscow week 21. It will be a crazy week - 4 days in Moscow, followed by a few hours back in Gborg, before getting back on the plane to go to Dublin for a long weekend. In June, I (finally!?!) get to see the Norwegian fjords. Just booked it last night. We'll drive across Norway to get to Bergen, spend an intense 2 days soaking up as much gorgeous Norwegian countryside as we can, before making it home for Swedish Flag Day. Then the movers come. Then we leave.

So in the spirit of "profitez-en", this morning I'm off to tour the Concert hall with a group of expats. The symphony is rehearsing today I'm told, so we get to listen in. Otherwise, things are status quo. Salem and I are spending as much time on our sunny balcony as we can. Swedish lessons continue. Choirs continue. Laundry and grocery shopping and the weekly war with the parking police all continue.

Keep on keepin' on

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