Saturday, January 29, 2011

The King's Speech - the power of friends

We loved The King's Speech, Andrew, Elizabeth and I. It was entertaining. It was clever. My favourite scene, for those of you who have seen it, was the one where the King and Queen have gone to Lionel's house so that Bertie can continue his training. The Queen is sitting in the kitchen having a cup of tea when Lionel's wife arrives home early. Can you imagine arriving home to see the Queen sitting at your kitchen table? That was priceless.

I was impressed by two sets of friendships for 2 different reasons. Helena Bonham Carter's Queen was supportive but not pushy. She found a solution for her husband and then sat back to see if he would take it or not. She was always there in the background holding him up, encouraging or commiserating, depending on what he needed at the time. And she was always quick with a quip. The woman was clever. Lionel's wife was painted in the same light. She accepted, didn't question, just loved. Both were beautiful portraits of good marriages.

Lionel was the kind of friend to Bertie that we all need - one to push us when we need it, support us when we need it, one to tell us the truth whether we want to hear it or not, one who sees the best in us, and helps us become our best 'us'. One who's always good for a laugh. One who doesn't doubt even when we do. Faithful. Loyal. One who knows what we need and provides it.

This is a movie about the importance of friendship. It's about triumphing over personal challenges and rising to the occasion when required, and how the support of one's friends make it possible. We all need those kinds of friend.

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