Friday, December 10, 2010

London Part III - The Long Road Home

Our last day in London was full of ups and downs. It was warmer out (slightly) but there was a tube strike so getting around was more complicated. We got to Victoria Station to find platform 9 3/4, but the station was under construction so that platform wasn't accessible. (Now maybe it never is to non-magical people). We spent some nice time at Covent Garden, had lovely big scones with clotted cream, but had no luck finding any of the books we were looking for at Foyles Charing Cross (give me Chapters anytime). We made it back to the airport in spite of transportation delays only to get stuck in an extra long line at security. Then, security decided that my bag of creams and perfume, my bag that had successfully passed through security 15 times in the past 7 months (I know because I counted) wasn't going through. Long of short, they kept me so long (while everyone else watched) that we missed our flight, had to buy 4 new tickets back to Gborg and a night in a hotel. Upside to the hotel - it was much nicer than where we had stayed in London. Their lobby bar has a 2 story (maybe more) plexiglass tower in it. It's a giant winerack and 2 girls fetch the bottles doing routines like something from Cirque de Soleil. Made it back to the flat about noon Tuesday to discover that Salem had closed himself in Elizabeth's room at some point during the weekend, probably early on. He looked a little thinner but otherwise none the worse for wear.
The kids had a good weekend. The first day was great. The second day was pretty great too (all the cold makes for good stories). I'd like a mulligan for the last one(s).

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