Sunday, October 31, 2010

The big November road trip day 1 - Getting to Prague

The keys to my blog just came up in czechoslovakian! Wild!

Anyway. It's been a long day. We were up at 1am Gborg time in order to be on the road for 3am. Now I know why the streets are so quiet at 6 or 7 - everyone was still out on the Avenue at 3! we drove through some wicked peasoup fog but still managed to arrive at the ferry at Trelleborg really early - even earlier than anticipated actually because we didn't know that the time changed last night, so our 3 am departure was actually a 2am departure. The ferry left at 7:45 as scheduled, and we slept, wandered, read our way for the 4 hour trip across the Baltic Sea to Sassnitz, Germany. About 10am, I decided it was time for coffee, so Peter, Andrew left Elizabeth to stay with the stuff, and went in search of morning snack. Coffee in hand, I wanted to sit with it for a bit, so I directed the 3 of us to the "quieter section", which turned out to be full of Slavic truckers well into their 2-4s of cheap dutyfree shop beer. So much for quiet. One of the truckers had trimmed his beard in what can best be described as the shape of a paper coffee cup. I kid you not!

Northern Germany is very flat. We were on a two lane road for a good while, and I kept imagining Snoopy as the World War 1 Flying Ace crawling through the countryside. I didn't have to use German (yet), which is good because there is a wicked language soup in my head at the moment - a mix of German and Swedish. Kinda wild.

We got to the Czech Republic under cover of darkness, but from what we could see, it's much hillier than the part of Germany we saw. We had to trust the road signs (looking for Praha and the E55 or D8) because we only have a city map of Prague, and that trust took us down a long country road beside a river. Very pretty - looking forward to seeing more of it with daylight. For a country that was occupied until 1990, it didn't seem any the worse for wear, but we were looking at it all in the dark.

So here Elizabeth and I sit, in the breakfast room of the Antik Hotel on Dlouhá street in Prague, she wifi-ing on her computer and me on mine. Our hotel is beautiful and very centrally located in the Old old town (as opposed to the New old town - more on that tomorrow). We have a busy day tomorrow - lots of walking around town. I promise to fill you in on all that, including Peter's pilgrimage to a Czech Beer Hall, after we get some sleep.

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