Monday, June 27, 2016


Wow - it has been a while since I posted anything. Not that there haven't been things to post, but somehow the moment passes before I sit down to write. This time, I have decided not to let it. 

Tonight, I had the tremendous pleasure to attend the retirement celebration of one the principals I worked with in recent years. Standing at the back of the room, I soaked in the spirit of the event, laughed at the jokes, and teared up at the songs and the memories. Standing at the back of the room, I was once more inspired by the man who gave me a tremendous gift when he hired me to that particular school some 11 years ago.

He's still wise. He spoke of how he could have retired years ago and chose not to because "I wasn't ready". He counselled about not going if you're not ready. Sitting here, I am 4 years away from making that choice. I don't think I'll be ready. If not, I won't go.

It occurred to me on the drive home that in the 6 years since I left that magical space, I am no longer inspired. The principals I work for, I don't work with. They don't inspire me to do more, try more, or be more. On the drive home, I realized how much I miss that. My work world may be a much calmer place that lacks the crazy highs and desperate lows of the magical space, but it also lacks energy. There is less to look forward to day-to-day, week-to-week, or month-to-month. 

So what to do about it. As this school year draws to a close, it is the time for new year resolutions, a time to look ahead to how next year can be different. What can I do to find that inspiration? What can I do to pass on that excitement and anticipation to my students?  Sitting here right now, I'm not sure, but the answer most likely lies in bringing back some of the magic, of trying to find a small nugget of that inspiration. It won't be easy, but nothing powerful ever is.

Thank you, Mr Clatworthy. Thank you for reminding me that because I knew you, I have been changed for good.